How will you take steps toward a heart-healthier lifestyle for you and your loved ones?

We asked, and you shared!

Heart disease and other cardiovascular conditions impact everyone. The best way to support your loved ones is to make lifestyle adjustments together.

Take steps today to prevent your overall risk of heart and vascular disease. Heart healthy lifestyles take an individual commitment – but also the support of an entire community.

Check out these practical tips from your friends and neighbors… then share yours!

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With a family history of heart disease and starting to take two meds for my blood pressure, my doctor encouraged me to make a change. I started doing cardio exercise 5 times a week, 30 minutes each day about 5 years ago. This helped to drop one of the meds and I’m still going strong!


Im working on everyone in my household to eat healthier and excersise more drink plenty water


Getting together with family and friends for meals with lots of color and nutritious foods helps encourage everyone to slow down and take more time to enjoy the meal while discussing the day’s adventures. Sharing meals helps family reconnect in a positive and restorative way.


I am going to cut back on soda and sugar.


I have been trying to walk more and exercise more also eat more salads.


I am committed to indulge in doing at least 3 days of exercise a week, cut out sodas and replace with drinking more water and make sure I eat healthier food choices.


I plan to eat healthier and exercise regularly. I will also monitor daily progress to ensure that I am on track.


I have committed to reducing my sugar intake by limiting desserts to once weekly and drinking more water. Trying to stay away from sugary drinks too. This is big for me because I love sweets! ❤️❤️ Also, focusing on reducing meat and adding more veggies and fruit!


I am trying to start 30 minutes of exercise and to try to eat more fish & veggies. Less fat and sugar!


I’m committed to losing weight by walking at least 30 minutes each day and eating vegetables, beans, fruits, oatmeal and green vegetables. I plan to reduce my intake of red meat and eat more beans, nuts, seeds and lentils to get the protein that my muscles need. My goal is to improve my cholesterol.


I try to eat a low cholesterol diet and live a healthy lifestyle.


Taking an hour, first thing in the morning, rain or shine, for an hour of outdoor walking is not only good for cardiovascular health, but for the mind! The it is the responsibility to advocate for this health practice in the differently-abled of us, as well!


My husband and I are certainly upping our game. We have returned to a diet that consists of more chicken, fish, and green leafy vegetables. Monday thru Friday we have a shake with kale, spinach, Greek yogurt, almond milk, flaxseed, turmeric, blueberries, cherries, and bananas. IT TASTES GREAT!


I am committed to exercising, learning how to eat better, and loving me 100%.


I am training for my first half marathon for a heart-healthier lifestyle!


I am making the commitment to move for at least 30 minutes five days a week!


For my family the answer is to ADD! This year we added leafy vegetables and delicious smoothies to our week. This keeps the focus on what we enjoy, instead of what we’re doing wrong.


My friends and I love getting active! Whether it be walking by the beach or hitting the roller skating rink, we always look for exciting ways to get some movement in together.


In my family, we prioritize a good night’s sleep. It helps us establish routine and gives our bodies the chance to rest.


I come from a long family line of high blood pressure and I don’t want my children to have to worry about it in their future. I do my best to serve them whole foods that are low in sodium and packed with nutrients.


I’m learning to play the guitar, and started doing yoga!


4-7-8 Breathing technique. Walking outdoors. A good facial regimen before bedtime and lavender essential oil just before bedtime to prepare for a good night sleep for 7 to 8 hours.


Relaxing sounds/music guided meditations, visual relaxation help me tremendously.


I destress with a long walk!


I give my mom a call. She never fails to keep me grounded and level-headed when I need it the most.


I like to unplug from my electronics and just be present in the moment with my children.


Breathing exercises. In for 5 seconds, hold for 5 seconds, out for 7 seconds.


Taking a few minutes a day to simply breathe and stretch my body really helps calm my nerves and reduce stress.


I love doing crafts with my kids. As a working mom, craft time is a great way for us to connect and decompress – as long as there’s no glitter involved! :)


Stop and note something I appreciate. Works every time.


A quick jog always helps me. It helps me focus on breathing and paying attention to the rhythm of my movement instead of what I was worried about before I started running.


I love sinking into the couch with my favorite book. It helps me escape reality for a little bit and explore someone else’s imagination.


Activity/exercise and quality time with my family.


I am a photographer, so whenever I feel like I need to decompress I grab my camera and go take pictures of nature. Being alone and sharing with open space and quiet to immerse myself in my surroundings always brings me peace.


I listen to my favorite mellow music to help deal with stress. Listening to music definitely influences my mood and helps to distract my mind. Couldn’t live without it!


SLEEP. I know I can’t always help it, but 5 or 6 hours of sleep a night is not enough to keep my body in order.


Making a home-cooked meal. When I’m the most anxious, I look for my comfort foods. A drive-thru burger and fries isn’t going to be good for my heart in the long run so when I can take the time to really prep a nice meal for myself, I feel like I’m doing right by my body.


My favorite way to de-stress is by going on a walk with my dogs. The fresh air helps me get perspective, and it feels great to get outside after being cooped up in the house for so long!
